Breaking News: Somnium VR1 Orders Open and Somnium Connect 2024 Announced!
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Breaking News: Somnium VR1 Orders Open and Somnium Connect 2024 Announced!

The VR community is buzzing with excitement as Somnium Space officially announced the opening of orders and price reveal for the highly anticipated Somnium VR1 headset. Starting June 20th, reservation holders will have the exclusive opportunity to secure their very own VR1, a device set to redefine the VR landscape. But that’s not all—Somnium Connect 2024 is on the horizon, promising an unforgettable celebration of innovation in Prague this July.

Is there a hardware device we’ve been more excited about this year than the Somnium VR1? Absolutely not. The VR1 isn’t just another VR headset hitting the market; it’s a transformative leap in immersive technology. With superior brightness, clarity, a wider field of view, an extended sweet spot, and unparalleled modularity and customization, the VR1 sets a new benchmark for virtual reality experiences.

To cater to the diverse needs of VR enthusiasts, Somnium has rolled out eight distinct variants of the VR1. Whether you’re a casual explorer or a hardcore VR aficionado, there’s a VR1 designed just for you. From the base model to the advanced editions featuring eye and hand tracking, and even mixed reality capabilities, the lineup offers something for everyone. There’s even a special Military Edition, designed with additional services. With these options, the Somnium VR1 stands ready to redefine VR for every user.

Below you can see all the versions. The icons are 🥽– Virtual Reality, 👁️– Eye Tracking, ☝️– Hand Tracking, 🎥 – Mixed Reality Cameras.

So get ready for the 20th of June. This will be the day where reservation holders should be monitoring their inboxes. According to Somnium Space:

We will begin sending out a limited number of emails each day to reservation holders, following the chronological order based on their reservation date. In the initial days, fewer emails will be sent, gradually increasing the daily volume..

For the exact ordering procedure, make sure to read all the details in the Medium article.

Somnium Connect

As if the launch of the VR1 wasn’t enough, Somnium Connect 2024 is set to be the highlight of the year for VR and XR enthusiasts. On July 12th, the Prague Marriott Hotel will host this extraordinary event, welcoming a limited number of general public visitors for the first time.

Check out the Medium article for details on how to order your tickets. Hurry as there are only a limited number of seats available.

The highlight will without doubt be the world Premiere of the Somnium VR1. Artur Sychov, Founder and CEO of Somnium Space will deliver a keynote on this topic. But there are many exiting things planned for the event, including the Somnium 3.0 platform update, expert presentations and hands-on demos.

About Somnium Space

Somnium Space is a blockchain-based virtual reality platform that allows users to create, experience, and monetize content and applications. The platform is committed to building a decentralized and immersive VR world that offers users a unique and engaging experience.




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June 17, 2024

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