Somnium Space: Where Vision Thrives and Ivory Towers Crumble
Opinion, X-Article

Somnium Space: Where Vision Thrives and Ivory Towers Crumble

Written by Marc Demar

Let me shed some light on something truly extraordinary that’s taking place.

You see, I’ve grown accustomed to something rather exceptional – direct contact with the upper echelons of a business I’m dealing with. In truth, it never felt like there was an “upper echelon.” I’m referring to Somnium Space of course. Despite the grandeur of the Somnium Space HQ towering within the virtual reality platform of the company, which might lead you to believe that the leaders are forever hidden from view and beyond reach (you can enter that building without being stopped by security by the way, but that is beside my point), the reality couldn’t be further from the truth.

And I’m in a unique position to provide an informed perspective on this matter. Ever since I first immersed myself in Somnium Space back in 2019, I’ve felt a distinct absence of barriers between me and the company. This is best exemplified by the frequent interactions I’ve had with Artur Sychov, the founder and CEO of Somnium Space.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not suggesting that every inquiry receives an instant response. While such promptness may be achievable through AI technology, the reality is different when we’re dealing with the original (genesis) version of Artur (although I cannot wait to meet his alter ego in the form of an AI avatar). There are moments when patience is indeed required. It may come as a shock to some, but he does have a personal (and business) life away from Discord.

My point, however, is that Somnium Space listens. Artur himself will take the time to respond as soon as he finds the opportunity. I’ve had some truly enlightening and engaging discussions with him personally.

You might argue that my perspective is biased, given my role as the editor of the Somnium Times. However, I’m recounting my experiences from 2019 when the Somnium Times did not yet exist. Furthermore, the official launch of the Somnium Space platform had not even occurred. The reason I’m still deeply involved and writing this article today is due to the values held by Somnium Space – values such as openness, integrity and respect. And last but not least, the company’s vision.

I found a company with which I could engage, one without remote ivory towers separating its leaders from the rest. A company capable of painting a compelling vision that I have cherished and continue to cherish.

All of this is once again evident in the development of the Somnium VR1 headset. I witness Artur engaging with community members daily, patiently addressing their questions, and ensuring that people feel heard.

Now, you might say, “Well, it’s all about what’s good for business.” I won’t deny that Somnium Space is indeed a business, and it’s a well-known fact that businesses must generate revenue. However, what holds far greater significance is the vision. When you can align yourself with that vision and not only align but also feel invited to embark on the journey, encouraged to contribute your own ideas, and assured that your voice will be heard – well, that’s the type of business you yearn to collaborate with. Am I right, or am I right?

Embarking upon the realization of a vision, particularly one as ambitious as that held by Somnium Space, is undeniably a formidable challenge. It’s akin to navigating a treacherous, meandering path toward a distant summit, beset with countless hurdles along the way. I’ve observed individuals who initially boarded this journey only to disembark at some point, and that’s perfectly acceptable. As for myself, I’ve embraced Somnium Space’s vision as my own. I’ve gone so far as to declare ownership over a part of it, in the tangible form of the Somnium Times, our headquarters, and the virtual land upon which it resides. Soon, I’ll further solidify this ownership with the acquisition of the Somnium VR1 headset, an integral element that seamlessly aligns with the grand vision.

Whether you agree or disagree with the sentiments expressed above (I share my experiences, not everyone else’s), I’ve adopted a new criterion for evaluating the businesses with which I engage: present me with your vision (and sell it) and engage in meaningful dialogue. If a business fails to accomplish both, my commitment is unlikely to endure.

Yet here I remain, a testament to the enduring power of a compelling vision and the dedication of those who share in its pursuit.

Marc Demar
Marc Demar

A @somniumspace native, editor of the @somniumtimes,
believer in the future of decentralized, persistent, immersive VR, traveler, trader, writer

October 8, 2023

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