From Passion to Platform: The Story of Somnium Times and Its Founder, Marc Demar
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From Passion to Platform: The Story of Somnium Times and Its Founder, Marc Demar

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Written by Anora

Some fantastic things come from very different places and sometimes it may come as a surprise. However for Marc Demar, founder of the Somnium Times and your Somnium Space Traveler, has always found writing as something dear to his own expression and creativity. It’s no surprise here why he would develop a platform for the blockchain news, world changers, and creators to do the same thing. Along with being a Web3 and blockchain enthusiast, Somnium Space explorer, and art lover, Marc makes a point at the Somnium Times to cultivate community and growth. Marc takes care of business when it comes to making sure we highlight some of the coolest happenings within Web3. Whether it is getting into the tech, or interviewing creatives about their process, or bouncing ideas around for new topic matter – Marc feels expression is the key, making the Somnium Times an eclectic and very special form of media. So what is The Somnium Times, exactly? And is there more to know about the Somnium Times founder Marc Demar? The short answer is, yes, but if you’re in it for the discovery, the details are below.

Here’s what there is to know, join me as I sit down with the founder of the Somnium Times to get the scoop on it all, and hear what the mind behind this metaverse multi media platform has to say.

Anora: What is the Somnium Times? How did it all begin? And where is it going?

Marc: The Somnium Times is a fully community-driven news platform deeply rooted and embedded in Somnium Space. We operate our website and use various social media channels such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and most recently, Authencity, a new web3 social media platform, to share our stories.

Our headquarters are located in Somnium Space on parcel 1346, a fantastic venue equipped with multiple newsrooms, exhibition halls, a green screen, and more.

Anora: Tell the readers about yourself?

Marc: I grew up in the Netherlands, in a quaint small town in the north. When I was around 12, I took up my dad’s hobby, which involved disassembling old television sets and using the components to build small radios and other electronic devices.

From building small radios on the kitchen table, I delved into studying electronics, computer technology, and later software engineering. However, I’ve always had a curious mind and explored various disciplines, including music composition, drawing, painting, and writing.

I also love traveling and have been fortunate to visit many places related to work. Aside from traveling around Europe, I’ve lived and worked in the US and visited South Africa multiple times.

All these experiences have shaped me and taught me that being open, curious, and willing to step outside one’s comfort zone is crucial for personal development.

Anora: When did it all begin, and when did the idea occur to you?

Marc: I’ve always had a passion for writing and have been creating stories and articles for as long as I can remember. As a child, I even used my parents’ old typewriter to make my own little magazine. Expressing ideas and thoughts through words has always been a great interest of mine. To me, it’s one of the ultimate skills: the ability to articulate thoughts clearly, even though it can be challenging at times.

When I discovered and became involved in Somnium Space, I quickly realized what a perfect platform it was not only for adventuring and socializing in an amazing virtual reality world but also for writing about it and capturing all the stories that people were creating.

Anora: How has this type of media impacted the metaverse? How do you see it impacting the future of media and journalism?

Marc: Wherever people go, history is made. Capturing these moments is not only for those with a short-term appetite for news but also a necessary endeavor to preserve the great strides we are witnessing. This preservation extends beyond the platform and technology itself; it’s about the people who inhabit Somnium Space—the community. While we can’t capture everything, we strive to encompass as broad a spectrum of life in Somnium as possible.

As we immerse ourselves further into the digital realm and virtual realities, mass adoption becomes inevitable, and subsequently, companies and institutions will follow suit. It is only logical that media and journalism will make the same move.

Anora: What are some notable events and topics you’d consider newsworthy? What are the deciding factors when you decide to create media coverage about a certain topic?

Marc: There are no strict rules here, and it’s very much an intuitive, organic process. There’s so much happening that we can’t possibly cover everything in and around Somnium Space. Nevertheless, we do prioritize certain angles, such as developments and statements from Somnium Space itself. We aim to cover all features and updates, including those related to the Somnium VR1 headset.

Another significant aspect is community initiative. The creativity within the community knows no bounds. Whether it’s events, Somnium worlds, web worlds, meetups, exhibitions—there’s a constant hustle and bustle of activity that’s incredible to witness and be a part of.

Anora: What’s your favorite part about building the Somnium Times?

Marc: My favorite part is collaborating with people from all over the world. The Somnium Times truly is a community news platform, and we’ve built it together. Being at the forefront of Metaverse development gives us a sense of making history collectively.

Anora: Fondest memory and creative experience within Metaverse and the Somnium Times?

Marc: One of my personal highlights is the collaboration with Marcelo Simonetti, a good friend of mine from Uruguay and an amazing artist and illustrator. Together, we came up with the idea of doing some artistic reverse engineering, resulting in ten artworks depicting life in Somnium Space—dubbed ‘Scenes of Somnium.’

The results were absolutely mind-blowing, and we showcased the NFT collection at the Somnium Times HQ parcel 1346, followed by an amazing DJ party with Oly. Notable figures like Artur, Ultralord, Blake, and Artific also joined, making it an unforgettable experience. This event reaffirmed the notion that memories created in VR are genuine, making VR an authentic and real experience, not merely a virtual one.

Marc Demar with his VRACE car, by Marcelo Simonetti

Regarding the Somnium Times, collaborating with skilled individuals who share a deep passion for storytelling, whether through writing or film, is a source of daily joy for us. We believe that we should take pride in our accomplishments thus far. While we are only at the beginning of our journey, we have successfully crafted a window through which people can catch a glimpse of Somnium Space, inspiring them to re envision themselves. In Somnium, the possibilities are limitless, allowing individuals to become whoever and whatever they desire to be.    

Anora: Where do you see the Somnium Times going in the future as the Metaverse continues to grow? And in what ways can metaverse journalism go beyond traditional reporting methods and offer a more engaging and interactive news experience?

Marc: There’s no doubt in my mind that we will increasingly move towards an in-world setup with a more permanent VR news crew and desk. This evolution makes perfect sense as more people spend more time in Somnium Space.

Capturing news where it originates and then broadcasting it for consumption in both VR and physical reality is the logical progression. While this is already happening to some extent, with many Somnium events being streamed live on Twitter, refining the process will be essential. Once we can directly stream from within VR to live streaming platforms, all the elements will be in place for a live news channel, with feeds from our in-world news crew and desk. This prospect is genuinely exciting!

VR possesses the potential to revolutionize how news is conveyed. It goes beyond merely replicating traditional journalism from the physical world. What’s truly remarkable about Somnium is that you would be able to actually visit the news and immerse yourself in it. These are groundbreaking concepts. Just picture us covering news about a recent rocket launch. Instead of simply presenting a series of images or videos, we would replay the entire sequence within a spatial environment, allowing you to experience it firsthand as if you were right there. Similarly, envision certain live sports events being streamed into Somnium—not in the conventional sense, but in a way that enables you to witness the event unfolding in a 3D perspective. The possibilities are vast and unexplored, ushering in a new era of immersive and engaging news experiences.

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Somnium Times Social Media Manager, and singer/songwriter.
Connect with her on and

July 27, 2023

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